0500 843 468 info@bwdoor.fi

RSD02 – Autotallin nosto-ovi pieniin ja keskisuuriin autotallin oviaukkoihin

RSD02RSD02 autotallin nosto-ovet on klassisesti suunniteltu, yleisimmin käytettyihin pieniin ja keskisuuriin autotallin oviaukkoihin. Turvalliset ja luotettavat RSD02 ovet, on varustettu vääntöjousella, joka tasapainottaa järjestelmän ja takaa pitkän käyttöiän.




Tekniset tiedot | Rakenne | Mallit


Tekniset tiedot


Quantity of cycles open/close25000
Reduced total thermal resistance1,13 m² C°/W
Acoustic insulation24 dB
Wind load5 class (200 km/h)
Airtightness2 class (air pressure 50 Pa)
Watertightness1 class (water pressure 30 Pa)
Lifting forceup to 22.5 kg
Door leaf weight11.2 kg/m²



Matalanosto, rumpu takana



Standardi nosto


Н, mmOpening heightН
h, mmLintel heightR381 h ≥ 410R305 h ≥ 350
В, mmOpening widthB
А, mmHeight of vertical guidesR381 A= H+235
R305 A= H+165
Аb, mmHeight of shaft axle and drumA+86 (at Н> 5500: +156)
А1, mmSize, limiting working zone of doors before vertical guidesА-500
А2, mmSize, limiting working zone of doors before horizontal guidesА-110
А3, mmSize, limiting working zone of doors (without operator or with shaft operator)А+150
Е, mmLength of horizontal guidesН+270
В1, mmCoordinate of intermediate point for fixing guides to ceilingЕ/2
Db, mmWorking zone of torsion springsDepends on opening dimensions and board weight
S, mmMinimum lateral space120
Q, mmZone of shaft operator location240
P, mmZone of ceiling operator locationН+1060



 Matalanosto, rumpu edessä


Н, mmOpening heightН
h, mmLintel heighth ≥ 230
В, mmOpening widthB
А, mmHeight of vertical guidesH+110
Аb, mmHeight of shaft axle and drumA+86
А1, mmSize, limiting working zone of doors before vertical guidesА-470
А2, mmSize, limiting working zone of doors before horizontal guidesА-120
А3, mmSize, limiting working zone of doors (without operator or with shaft operator)А+70
Е, mmLength of horizontal guidesН+300
В1, mmCoordinate of intermediate point for fixing guides to ceilingЕ/2
Db, mmWorking zone of torsion springsDepends on opening dimensions and board weight
S, mmMinimum lateral space120
Q, mmZone of shaft operator location240
P, mmZone of ceiling operator locationН+1185













Colour swatches shown on the screen may not accurately display the original colours. Please use the original RAL Colour Chart.
Panels can be painted in any colour you desire from the International RAL Colour Chart.


Tekniset tiedot | Rakenne | Mallit